

[人名] [英格兰人姓氏] 汉弗莱斯取自父名,来源于Humphrey,含义是“汉弗莱之子”(son of Humphrey);[地名] [美国] 汉弗莱斯

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Matthew humphreys , an assistant manager at the grand hyatt in san francisco , says he 's worked at nine hyatt hotels and the housekeeping staff in each had a large box of chargers .
Escorted by david humphreys and aide tobias lear , the president-elect stepped into his appointed carriage , which was trailed by foreign dignitaries and throngs of joyous citizens .
Todd humphreys and his colleagues from the radionavigation lab at the university of texas at austin hacked the gps system of a drone belonging to the university .
Humphreys uses a combination of biblical , historical and astronomical research to try to pinpoint the precise nature and timing of jesus 's final meal with his disciples before his death .
But mr humphreys said the growth of these economies would not mean the end of business cycles , or the end of commodity price volatility .
Humphreys has concluded in a new book , " the mystery of the last supper " , that jesus -- along with matthew , mark and luke -- may have been using a different calendar to john .
They 've got defenses against these kinds of spoofing attacks , " says todd humphreys , who has researched gps spoofing at the university of texas ' radionavigation laboratory . " They mount their antennas on the top of the drones and sometimes the antennas have the ability to null out jamming or spoofing signals . "
But humphreys and three co-authors of a new book , coethnicity , have been conducting an ambitious series of game theory experiments , not in the psychology labs of the ivy league but in a neighbourhood of uganda 's capital , kampala , which is home to members of many different tribes .
Top british civil servants tend to live longer than their underlings , regardless of other differences in lifestyle , according to the " whitehall ii " studies which have been monitoring thousands of humphreys and bernards since the 1980s .
What we need to be focused on as vendors , " says humphreys , " is getting consumers around , getting them to not want to own a car , and getting them all the alternatives they want to get their hired rides . "