

hooker 变化形式
复数: hookers
易混淆的单词: HookerHOOKER
hooker 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Throughout the festival is roaming hooker fest , which has groups in a van projecting movies at various locations and giving out safer-sex materials .
- 贯穿整个艺术节的是roaminghookerfest(游街妓女项目),在不同地点通过汽车投影影片并派发有关安全性行为的材料。
- " Are you an angel ? " The hooker 's mum asked as her daughter was delivered back to the trailer park .
- 当女儿被送回活动房屋时,这个妓女的妈妈问道:“你是天使吗?”
- Marcello goes down into subterranean nightclubs , hospital parking lots , the hooker 's hovel and an ancient crypt .
- 马赛罗钻进一个个地下夜总会、医院停车场、妓女简陋肮脏的住所,以及一个古老的教堂地下室。
- One evening he was driving along and stopped to pick up a hooker who was standing by the road looking nippy .
- 有天晚上,他正开着车,停下来捎上了一个站在路边、似乎很冷的妓女。
- A really generous person doesn 't feel so good about themselves after buying a hooker a pint of milk that they write a book about it .
- 一个真正慷慨的人不会在给一个妓女买了一品脱牛奶之后自我感觉如此良好,还要写本书讲讲这事儿。
- Just because you have sex with this person doesn 't mean you should feel like a hooker if they compensate you further .
- 仅仅因为你和某人发生性关系,而对方进一步地给予你经济补偿,并不意味着你要感觉像个妓女。