Luckily , there are enough honorable usability experts in the world that the findings of most other reports are similar to our own .
My first two encounters with literature and reading were not honorable events and I will never forget them .
He said to me -- and ladies and gentlemen , I don 't want any of you to be offended because from personal experience of serving here , I know there are many honorable men and women , many capable and decent people serving their nations here .
Our current understanding of what a consultant is seems to have been well and truly in place by 1907 for which the oxford english dictionary has a citation that shows a distinct disregard for our honorable profession .
Throughout his life , michael jordan had the honorable quality of taking responsibility for his own destiny . That means that he took action while others paused to ask questions , gather more data , or consult experts .
He had supported me on most foreign policy decisions , had been frank about what his caucus was really up to when the two of us talked alone , and , after the government shutdown battle , had shown flexibility in working out honorable compromises with the white house .
This self-portrait-and talk about life on welfare as " the most soul-destroying thing " - may reflect honorable british embarrassment about the scale of her earnings over the past fifteen years .