

hometown 变化形式
复数: hometowns
易混淆的单词: Hometown
hometown 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- What is the average temperature in his hometown ?
- 她们家乡的平均气温是多少度?
- In nkandla , zuma 's hometown , an area manager lost all her voting material .
- 在nkandla,祖马的故乡,一个区域经理失去了她所有的投票资料。
- He only looked in his family when the train passed by his hometown .
- 他只有在火车经过他的家乡的时候顺便看望他的家人。
- Larry was one of two stars in his hometown delegation .
- 拉里是其家乡代表团的两位“明星”之一。
- Bill and hillary clinton are driving in the country near hillary 's hometown .
- 比尔和希拉里.克林顿正驾车行驶在希拉里家乡附近的乡村路上。
- But behind the scenes the hometown of 18th-century reformer thomas paine is living up to his tradition of social radicalism .
- 但在幕后,这个18世纪改革家托马斯潘恩(thomaspaine)的故乡正在实践其社会激进主义的传统。
- In its hometown of leuven it is a flat-sided tumbler ; elsewhere only one with diamond mouldings near the base will do .
- 在时代的故乡鲁汶人们用的是平底酒杯,在其它地方只有底部附近有菱形花纹的酒杯才够格。
- Their victory on saturday also represents a win for their mostly hispanic hometown .
- 他们周六的那场胜利,也代表了他们以拉丁裔为主的家乡的胜利。
- Two high-octane preachers in mr obama 's hometown of chicago put paid to that hope .
- 在奥巴马的家乡芝加哥,两名精力充沛的牧师已经让那种希望付出了代价。
- But when she returned to her hometown in early 1960s , the kiosk was no more .
- 但当她于60年代初回到家乡,小售货亭再也不见了。