holdouts 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Holdouts will be denied bank loans and face prosecution .
- 拒不执行者将不能获得银行贷款,还要面对诉讼。
- While holdouts refusing to participate in the exchange will always exist , the terms of the deal would minimize these .
- 总会存在一些拒绝参与交易的顽固分子,不过交易条款会将其数量最小化。
- The band of analogue holdouts is gradually dwindling .
- 现在这些模拟“坚守者”规模正在逐渐缩小。
- There are holdouts , in parts of the middle east and rural africa .
- 当然也有反例,主要是在中东和非洲农村。
- Once the czech holdouts ratify the lisbon treaty , goes the line , there should be no new grand schemes .
- 一旦捷克坚持要求的条款被写入《里斯本条约》,那么他们接下来应该就没有其他什么大的阴谋诡计了。
- At the very least the bis is caught uncomfortably between the legal logic of the holdouts and the political logic of sovereign countries .
- 起码bis夹在“钉子户”的法律逻辑和主权国家的政治逻辑之间很是不爽。
- Analysts reckon that around three-quarters of the holdouts will accept the deal , meaning that 94 % of all the defaulted debt from 2001 will have been swapped .
- 据分析家预计,大约四分之三的反对者会接受这个提案,意味着自2001年以来94%的违约债务交换即将成为现实。
- How far the process will continue , and whether it will spread to holdouts like japan and canada , remains to be seen .
- 这个过程要持续多久,以及是否会蔓延至日本和加拿大这样死守不变的国家,尚待分晓。
- There is no reason even these last holdouts should not eventually share in asia 's success .
- 即便是这些最后的堡垒,也应该共享亚洲的成功。
- They quickly pinned the attackers down and , with the aid of a little nato muscle , stormed the holdouts .
- 他们迅速牵制住袭击者,在少量北约力量的帮助下,扫清了抵抗者。