Neither these nor any other performances in the film depend on self-conscious histrionics ; jones in particular portrays a crafty codger with some secret hiding places in his heart .
I don 't want to see any histrionics or tantrums .
Ignore your colleague 's threats and don 't be alarmed by her histrionics .
There were the usual histrionics when the time came for us to leave .
These squabbling tolstoys and their stilted histrionics were conceited and exasperating .
The president 's speech introduced no new policies and instead was full of histrionics about patriotism .
I also saw the likenesses of my parents and my teachers - some were truly saddened at the loss of a demigod while others resorted to funeral histrionics out of fear .
They became aware that the late 18th-century cult of sensibility , which had championed untrammelled emotion as the fount of altruism , could easily spill over into self-indulgent histrionics ; the sincerity they valued as the highest good could drift into self-deception and selfishness .
This is a black politician for all americans with none of the cadences or cartoon histrionics of a jesse jackson or an al sharpton , none of the signals that say : " I speak only for black america . "