helter 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- A hail of fire from us sent the enemy troops fleeing helter skelter .
- 我们一阵炮火打得敌军狼狈逃窜。
- If you want to know who 's reading purgatory , paradise lost and helter skelter .
- 你想查谁借过《炼狱》、《失乐园》。
- Helter skelter is really " close to the metal " , yet its power has stood the test of time .
- 《慌慌张张》实际上“接近金属”,但其实力经受了时间的考验。
- Manson was convinced that by instigating a race war in america as a result of the random killings , he and his group would seize power in the ensuing pandemonium of " helter skelter . "
- 曼森确信通过随意的杀戮就可以在美国境内挑起一场种族战争,曼森和他的家族就可以借助“旋转滑梯”(曼森的一个计划)制造的大混乱抓住权力。
- Over the next few years the shard is scheduled to be joined by , among others , the 202m heron tower , a 225m building dubbed the " cheese grater " and a 288m spiral construction nicknamed the " helter skelter " ( all in the city ) .
- 几年之后,碎片大厦将会加入202米高的赫伦大厦,有“奶酪擦子”之称的225米高建筑以及绰号为“杀人王曼森”的288米螺旋状建筑的行列(所有的这些建筑都在伦敦城内)。
- Helter of each other that people live .
- 们生在彼此的庇护下。
- Work continues on the pinnacle or " helter skelter " in the heart of the city .
- 市中心的品尼高或者称之为“螺旋滑梯”的工程尚在继续。
- The movers piled the furniture helter skelter in the living room of the new house .
- 搬家的人把家具乱七八糟地堆在新房子的起居室里.
- They rushed about helter - skelter collecting dung and carrying earth .
- 他们忙忙乱乱地跑来跑去拾粪担土。