英音  [held]    
美音 [hɛld]    


v.拿( hold的过去式和过去分词 );举行;保留

held 变化形式

易混淆的单词: Held

held 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释

I have long held that america 's growing economic problems stem from the same source - globalization .
He even held his cigarette like a sissy , his pinky lifted in the air as if communicating in some sort of delicate sign language .
Instead , it was she who was afraid , and more , because she could feel the drying wetness of his hand now on her hand , and bits of dust from the rock he had held , and the wind .
I renewed my own passport last year ( hence my delight at picking up four stamps in one day ) and when I consigned the old one to the bottom of the desk , I flicked through and noted that many of the stamps it held are no longer available to british travellers .
The first generation of waterproof mp3 players didn 't always offer sweet distraction , because the devices held too few songs and sometimes shorted out in water .
It is more like old keynesianism , which held that faster inflation could buy a permanent drop in joblessness .
A friend of mine has long held that a vaccination his son received as an infant triggered his child 's autism .
One version held that this was a defensive move designed to prevent microsoft from siphoning away google 's audience .
I knew vince had been upset by the travel office controversy and held himself responsible for the criticism directed at the counsel 's office .
Christian tradition has long held that jesus was unmarried even though there was no reliable historical evidence to support that , king said .