

hefei 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- The train journey from hefei to shanghai used to take eight hours .
- 过去,从合肥到上海乘坐火车需要8个小时。
- Hefei is banning all motorbikes from its downtown area to curb pollution
- 合肥市禁止所有摩托车在市区行驶以遏制污染。
- He has invested in two shopping-mall projects , one in the southern city of changsha and another in the eastern city of hefei .
- 他已经投资了两个购物广场项目,一个在南部城市长沙,另一个在东部城市合肥。
- But , on wednesday , legal officials told the financial times that ms gu had been held for months in the hefei detention centre .
- 但本周三,司法官员向英国《金融时报》透露,谷开来已经在合肥市拘留所羁押了好几个月。
- Hsbc , which caters to high-end customers , has opened a branch in hefei a sign that there is a booming managerial class .
- 迎合高端客户需求的汇丰银行(hsbc)已在合肥开了一家分支机构表明那里拥有一个蓬勃发展的管理阶层。
- The conflict occurred on a china southern flight from the eastern city of hefei to guangzhou .
- 冲突发生在一架从合肥飞往广州的南航班机上。
- In recent years , hefei 's gdp growth has been an average of 17 percent .
- 近几年,合肥市gdp平均增长率为17%。
- Like so many other boom towns , hefei has its share of vanity projects .
- 与许多其它新兴城市一样,合肥也有许多形象工程。
- Others are in hefei , the provincial capital , a three-hour bus ride away .
- 其他人去3小时车程的省会合肥打工。
- But he returned last year and now works on the quality control line at the gree plant in hefei .
- 但他去年回到家乡,如今在格力合肥工厂的质量控制线上工作。