
n.伤心,悲痛( heartache的名词复数 )
heartaches 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- None of us is immune to the heartaches and sorrows that inhabit this misbegotten world .
- 我们当中无人能对存在于这个丑恶世界中的心痛和悲伤免疫。
- The people in your life are still losing jobs and going through heartaches and having their parents die .
- 你生活中有人仍在失业,在经历心痛的事情,也有人父母过世。
- Was it just me ? All the heartaches ?
- 难道只有我吗?只有我心动吗?
- In dreams you will lose your heartaches .
- 在梦中你会忘却你的忧伤。
- I have my share of heartaches .
- 但我有神来分担我的苦痛。
- In dreams , you will lose your heartaches .
- 在梦里,你的心中之痛会消失。
- The only way to heal such heartaches is ...... yes , you guessed it communication .
- 而欲疗心伤的唯一方法,也许你已经猜到了,没错,就是交流。
- If you have a daughter , you hope she won 't endure your same heartaches .
- 如果你有一个女儿,你不会希望她也承受象你一样的悲痛。
- You can 't go on well in life until you let go of your past failures and heartaches .
- 只有当你将过去的失败和痛苦放下了,你才可以好好的继续活着。
- My heartaches are all quick ground , she flowed so many bloods unexpectedly .
- 我的心疼的都快碎了,她竟然流了那么多的血。