
hearkening 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- But his servants and the woman forced him , and at length hearkening to their voice , he arose from the ground and sat upon the bed .
- 但是他的臣仆和那女人都勉强他,他才听从了他们的话,从地上起来,坐在床上。
- Stand among the golden leaves , hearkening to the tranquility while feeling the quiet summer .
- 静立于金叶子,听取静默一片,感受宁静之夏。
- And the elders of gilead say unto jephthah , ` jehovah is hearkening between us -- if according to thy word we do not so .
- 基列的长老对耶弗他说:“有耶和华在我们中间作证,我们必定照着你的话行。”
- Divest not yourselves of the robe of grandeur , neither suffer your hearts to be deprived of remembering your lord , nor your ears of hearkening onto the sweet melodies of his wondrous , his sublime , his all-compelling , his clear , and most eloquent voice .
- 不要剥夺了你自己这庄严的衣袍,不要使你心灵失去了记取他而受苦,不要失去了倾听他奇妙的仙乐,他崇高的、雄辩的、清楚的、流利的声音。