
n.戴在头上的耳机或听筒( headset的名词复数 )
headsets 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- The selected fans will be monitored during the action to gauge their reactions , utilising neurosky eeg headsets .
- 这些被选中的球迷将带上神念科技的脑电波耳机来检测他们在活动中的神经反应。
- But several companies are bringing this technology to life with affordable headsets that determine a person 's state of mind .
- 但是几家公司正在让这种技术变成现实,它们推出的耳机可以测定人的精神状态。
- Early efforts to use rudimentary headsets for computer games were not exactly riveting .
- 使用基本头套玩计算机游戏的早期努力并不是那么精彩。
- Ms. davis recommends keeping a phone out of close proximity to the head or body , by using wired headsets or the phone 's speaker .
- 戴维斯女士建议,使用有线耳麦或手机扬声器,尽量不要将手机贴近头部或身体。
- But , for a bit more money , some excellent headsets are available .
- 但只需多掏一点钱,你就能买到一些出色的耳机。
- And I said , yeah , but our project is virtual reality , and we 're going to bring down a whole bunch of vr headsets and all the students from all the teams are going to experience it and all those other real journalists are going to get to film it .
- 我说,没错,但我们的项目是虚拟现实,我们将带去一大堆虚拟现实头盔,所有队伍的学生都将试用这个,这样一来,那些随其他队去的真记者就会把它拍下来。
- If they succeed by the project 's deadline in mid-2010 , they hope to interest electronics firms in making headsets or cellphones with a supersensitive microphone in the earpiece . The rest is done with software , says beeby .
- beeby说,如果此项研究能够在计划的2010年中期如期完成,研究团队希望电子产品厂家能够有兴趣生产出具有超灵敏拾音器的头戴式设备或者手机,其它工作则由相关软件完成。
- Such knowledge means eeg headsets can be made with just a few sensors for a particular application , making them smaller and less obtrusive , says dr contreras-vidal .
- 孔特雷拉斯-维达尔博士表示,这样的认识意味着脑波机可以只用一些感应器制成来进行特定的活动,让脑波机机更小,更不突兀。
- A single specification is envisioned that will address simultaneous charging of multiple devices ranging from very low power products such as bluetooth headsets to today 's most sophisticated tablets .
- 同时充电的多个电器,从功率极低的电器如蓝牙头戴式耳机到当今最复杂的桌上电器可使用同一份说明书。
- At the moment , the need for the headsets , cloud services and intervening laptop means mr powell 's simultaneous system is still very much a prototype .
- powell先生的同声传译系统目前需要还使用耳机、云服务和介于中间的笔记本,这说明它仍然只是一个设计原型。