

headless 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Guatemalan officers found 27 headless bodies near the mexican border last month , and blamed the mexican zetas " cartel " .
- 危地马拉警方上个月在墨西哥边境发现了27具无头尸体,并认为是墨西哥“泽塔斯贩毒集团”所为。
- Behind a huge round table stood a group of standing figures , headless and armless , their bodies textured like honeycombs or crumbling tree trunks .
- 在一张巨大的圆桌后面,有一组站立的人像,没有头也没有四肢,身体结构像是蜂巢或破碎的树干。
- No. me and the teacher got tomeet the headless . Go on !
- 不,我和老师要去会骑士,快走!
- And upon seeing the headless body of his own young son .
- 这其中最沉痛的哀悼是对他的儿子。
- Sir nicholas : dismal . Once again , my request to join the headless hunt has been denied .
- 尼古拉斯爵士:惨哪,我想参加无头骑士狩猎,但又再度遭到拒绝。
- And having spoken these words , to all further questions he remained more silent than a headless man .
- 说完这些话,对于以后的任何问题他都像个无头人般保持了沉默。
- Like headless chickens looking for him !
- 象群无头苍蝇一样到处抓他!
- How can you be nearly headless ?
- 你是怎么个差点没头法?
- Oh , sorry . Have you two seen a headless body around ?
- 哦,对不起,你们两个有看到一个无头身体吗?
- It 's meant to be managed via an integrated web interface , so it 's appropriate to run it headless .
- 它是旨在能够通过集成化网络界面运行管理的,所以无脑运行是比较适合滴。