She is by far the most hawkish of the current democratic candidates .
Perhaps a similar humiliation for the north korean team in pyongyang would suit south korea 's hawkish strategy after all .
That has led to the charge by hawkish american republicans , as well as many israelis , that mr obama is bent on betraying israel .
But jean-claude trichet , his european counterpart , is making hawkish noises - and both the fed and the european central bank are under a lot of external pressure to do the wrong thing .
Mr romney would take a more hawkish line abroad , with more criticism of enemies and more buttering-up of old allies , though a war-weary america would be no more likely to get involved in new conflicts .
The hawkish army chief , general yasar buyukanit , gave warning that if the house bill went through , " our military relations with the us will never be the same again . "
To a more openly right-wing course at home has corresponded an aggressive shift towards a more hawkish foreign policy , in tune with washington , abroad-dispatching troops to iraq , screwing up pressure on north korea , preparing to jettison the peace clauses in the constitution .