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- Just a year earlier hardbacks had been worth more than three times as much as e-books , according to the association of american publishers . Amazon now sells more copies of e-books than paper books .
- 据美国出版商协会统计,仅仅一年之前精装书的销量还是电子书的三倍,但现在亚马逊售出的电子书拷贝要多于纸质书。
- Just a year earlier hardbacks had been worth more than three times as much as e-books , according to the association of american publishers .
- 据美国出版商协会的统计,仅一年前,精装书的价格超过电子书的三倍。
- There are difficult , stylised novels that one knows one should read but can only manage a few pages at a time ; hardbacks that are interesting but too heavy to lug on the train ; thrillers that are good page-turners but are saved for long plane trips .
- 具有某种风格的小说应该读,但每次只能读几页;精装书是很有趣却不便于携带;惊险小说易于阅读但却适合长途旅行。
- Hardbacks are so much nicer to read than paperbacks .
- 精装书比平装书读起来舒服得多。
- Riley bought one of campbell 's early hardbacks in the 60s , the inhabitants of the lake .
- 莱利买过一本坎贝尔上世纪60年代的早期精装本小说《湖居者》(theinhabitantsofthelake)。
- Amazon last week announced sales of ebooks on its us site had outnumbered hardbacks for the first time , stunning casual observers , even if it had not been entirely unexpected in the trade .
- 上周亚马逊声称其在美国市场售出电子书的数量第一次超越了精装书,这震惊了漫不经心的观察家,但在行业内部这事并不是完全出人意料的。
- Whether it 's diamonds and water or hardbacks and e-books , the only cogent explanation for prices comes from the austrians , not the classical economists .
- 无论是钻石和水、还是精装书和电子书,对它们价格的唯一令人信服的解释来自奥地利学派,而非古典经济学家。