
v.庇护( harbour的过去式和过去分词 );怀着;包含;藏有
harboured 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- They were harboured in the woods .
- 他们就隐藏在树丛中.
- That was partly because self-doubt was rarely harboured by economists .
- 部分原因在于经济学家很少有自我怀疑的心态。
- Many of us have harboured a dream , deluded or otherwise , to write a book , a bestseller .
- 我们许多人都怀着一个梦想,蒙骗或以其他方式,写一本书,一本畅销书。
- He feared people would suspect his father harboured similar reservations , which he insists was not the case .
- 他担心人们怀疑他父亲持有类似的保留意见,而他坚称情况并非如此。
- Some harboured secrets and knew about cover-ups of government revenge killings after the genocide .
- 他们中的一些人为了隐藏了秘密或者隐瞒政府在大屠杀后的报复性杀戮行为。
- Let go of any contaminated thoughts unconsciously harboured throughout the ages .
- 放弃任何被污染的想法,它们长久无意识地被隐匿。
- Mr mehsud had cobbled the ttp together in 2007 out of the forces of fractious tribal warlords , and harboured al-qaeda fighters .
- mrmehsud在2007年带领ttp摆脱了很难对付的部落军阀和港口基地组织军队,重振了ttp。
- In the past , when food was scarce , those who harboured such microbes would have been blessed .
- 在过去,如果赶上食物不够吃的时代,肠子有这种细菌的人都是极其幸运的。
- No dogs , cats or pets or other animals or live poultry shall be kept or harboured in any unit or any part thereof save and except with the prior written consent of the manager .
- 除非已获得经理人的事先书面同意,否则不得在任何单位内饲养或留置任何猫、狗、雀鸟或其他动物。
- It is no simple thing to introduce reform and modernize our country , and we have never harboured any illusions that it would all be easy .
- 搞改革、搞四化可不简单。我们从来没有自我陶醉,没有认为会一帆风顺。