
handstands 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- According to it the paper provided three kinds training methods about everyone handstands .
- 提出了针对这三种类型手倒立动作的训练方法。
- Peggy showed off her new dancing steps and walter , not to be outdone in a matter of entertaining visitors , his prowess at handstands , cartwheels and backward somersaults .
- 佩吉卖弄了她的舞步,而沃尔特在讨好观众方面也不甘示弱,就拿出了倒立、横翻筋斗和后翻筋斗的拿手好戏。
- I tried to do handstands for you .
- 我试图为你做倒立。
- When noot opts for painting carefree elephants practicing handstands , she is told by her parents to go back to the usual subjects .
- 当闹特选择画一些无忧无虑的练习倒立的大象时,她的父母告诉她回到惯常的主题去。
- Mummy , I did three handstands in the playground today .
- 妈,今天我在操场上做了三次手倒立。
- I thought goose bumps were just my body hairs trying to do handstands .
- 我觉得起鸡皮疙瘩就是汗毛倒立。