handing 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Peripheral countries are less than keen on handing ownership of important banks to bureaucrats in brussels .
- 边缘国家决不热衷于将重要银行的所有权交给在布鲁塞尔的官僚们。
- But rural voters were quite rational in handing him landslide victories in 2001 and 2005 .
- 但是农村选民们在2001年和2005年将压倒性的胜利交到他手中的时候可是相当有理性的。
- It has offered safeguards that western competitors strongly resist such as handing over source codes .
- 该公司提议采取西方竞争对手强烈抵制的一些安全防范措施,比如交出源代码。
- Handing the victim the exact same brand drink .
- 递给受害者一瓶同一个牌子的饮料。
- One of the beauties of being a deputy is that when passed a hot potato you can always respond by handing it on to your boss .
- 做一位副手的优点之一就是,当你接过一个烫手的山芋时,你总能把它扔给老板。
- But wavering republicans may be reluctant to undermine the morale of their comrades by handing the democrats a hard-fought victory .
- 但是摇摆不定的共和党人也许不乐意通过向民主党拱手奉上一个艰苦斗争得来的胜利来灭自己党员的士气。
- Handing out gloves to every iphone 4 buyer .
- 给每位iphone4的买家发手套。
- Operating cargo handing equipment and hatches .
- 货物装卸设备的操纵和舱口。
- Check your papers carefully before handing them in .
- 在交卷之前,仔细检查你的试卷。
- Rate cuts in 2007-08 greatly steepened the yield curve , handing banks a huge profit boost .
- 2007-2008年的利率削减使得收益率曲线更陡,给银行带来了丰厚的利润。