

Haitian 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Consider what happened two-and-a-half years ago when the haitian earthquake struck .
- 想想两年半前海地地震时发生的情况吧。
- Young haitian men trade the bbm contacts of attractive women .
- 海地的年轻男子还会交换他们的bbm联系人中迷人女性的联系方法。
- About twenty-five haitian earthquake survivors attend the school .
- 约有25%的海地地震幸存者就读于这所学校。
- Hopes for a haitian government with a strong mandate remain faint .
- 想要建立一个强有力的海地政府,希望仍然渺茫。
- Many haitian families devote an equivalent chunk of their income to schooling .
- 很多海地家庭都花费差不多的家庭收入送孩子上学。
- The telethon has already raised $ 57 million for haitian relief .
- 这次电视节目已经为海地募集了5700万美元的捐款。
- Officials deny that these people are stateless , saying that as the children of haitians they can apply for haitian citizenship .
- 官方否认那些人是无国籍的,说作为海地人的孩子,他们可以申请海地的公民权。
- Tests are expected to establish within days whether the cuban cases match the haitian strain .
- 预计数天内有望测出古巴的病例与海地的细菌品种是否相关。
- A haitian official said that some 70000 bodies had been hastily buried in mass graves .
- 一名海地官员声称已经草草的整体埋葬了约7万尸体。
- Mintz says it may never be known where the haitian strain came from .
- 明茨说,也有可能海地霍乱菌种的来源永远都查不出来。