The chronic pharyngitis follows habituation constipation .
What works behind this trick is a process called habituation , according to dr. morewedge .
The habituation sprains a middle , pain is unbearable .
The team came to this conclusion after performing the habituation tests at 34 weeks and then again at 38 weeks .
Rearranging or compacting menu items " helpfully " can work against habituation and lead to user errors .
This habituation happens very quickly , faster than the feedback we get from our digestive system that tells us to stop when we 've eaten enough .
In exposure therapy , the phobic person puts him or herself in the presence of whatever they fear -- heights , spiders , etc. -- until , through habituation , they lose their fear of that situation or object .
The last three experiments showed that the reduction in actual consumption following imagined consumption was due to habituation -- a gradual reduction in motivation to eat more of the food -- rather than alternative psychological processes such as priming or a change in the perception of the food 's taste .
Other implications of this research include the discovery that mental imagery can enact habituation in the absence of pre-ingestive sensory stimulation and that repeatedly stimulating an action can trigger its behavioral consequences .