
gracing 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Once treated with the utmost suspicion , they now enjoy an almost celebrity-status , often gracing the front covers of glossy magazines .
- 人们一度极其怀疑这一阶层,但一夜之间这些富豪几乎就成了名人,频频占据畅销杂志的封面。
- It is every aspiring business person 's dream to see his or her name gracing the pages of this issue .
- 能看到自己的名字荣登这份榜单是每一个有抱负的商人的梦想。
- I think next year , as seeds we will be gracing the final and this time there 'll be no mistakes .
- 我认为到明年我们作为种子球队,将会杀入决赛而今次将不会再出错了。
- We are delighted that the mayor will be gracing us with his presence at our annual dinner .
- 我们非常荣幸市长将出席我们的年度晚宴。
- You 've seen the big stars of the year attending film premieres and gracing movie covers galore , but who 's making up the next wave of stars on the rise ?
- 如果你参加今年的电影首映式,你会看到许多大明星和很多电影封面上的明星,但是谁又是正在冉冉升起的下一波大明星呢?
- Of the many comets named for discoverer robert mcnaught , the one cataloged as c / 2009 r1 is gracing dawn skies for northern hemisphere observers this month .
- 许多彗星以罗伯特麦克诺特命名,其中之一编号为c/2009r1,对于本月北半球的观察者,它正妆点着黎明的天空。
- This vision was almost as historic : the twin icons of a popular caper-film series gracing the roy thomson for a kind of ocean 's ontario .
- 这一设想几乎是历史上的一个流行的跳跃电影系列的双图标杀入为安大略省海洋的罗伊汤姆森。
- Once he 's reached the pinnacle of success and is making millions pumping lips full of collagen or gracing the silver screen , the starter wife is kicked to the curb in favor of a younger or more famous new mate .
- 一旦他爬上事业高峰并且开始制造成千上万富含胶原质的饱满嘴唇或者在银幕上风度翩翩的时候,头号前妻就将被一脚蹬开,取而代之的将是更为年轻的或者更有名的新伴侣。
- Loosely ( note : very loosely ) using fortune 's most powerful women metrics -- the size and importance of the woman 's business , the health and direction of the business , the arc of the woman 's career , and her social and cultural influence -- we 've ranked the most prominent women currently gracing the small screen .
- 我们借用《财富》“最具影响力女性排行榜”的评选标准,比如女性所执掌企业的规模和重要性、企业的健康度及战略方向、女性的职业生涯以及社交和文化影响力等,评选出了目前活跃在电视荧屏中的最具影响力的女性角色。
- The queen is gracing us with her presence .
- 女王莅临使我们不胜荣幸。