gori 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Inside gori , russian soldiers stood by as irregulars held a sky tv crew at gunpoint and took their car and equipment .
- 在戈里城内,非正规军用枪口指向skytv的工作人员,抢走了他们的轿车和设备,而俄罗斯士兵则在一边袖手旁观。
- In gori , the row over stalin has changed the town 's appearance .
- 在哥里关于斯大林的争吵改变了这个城市的面貌。
- Gori , georgia : soldiers escape their burning armoured vehicle on the road to tbilisi .
- 格鲁吉亚哥里:装甲车在往第比利斯的途中燃烧,士兵逃出车的情景。
- Spindler says the situation and the needs in the villages north of gori are similar .
- 斯平德勒说,哥里以北地的得区村得的得落的得局势及需求基本相仿。
- But a small group of soldiers calling themselves ' peacekeepers ' remained on a main highway south of the key town of gori .
- 但是仍有少数自称为“维和人员”的军人留在重镇哥里以南的一条主要公路上。
- Georgians search for the names of their relatives in front of an hospital in gori .
- 在gori一所医院前,格鲁吉亚人寻找他们亲属的名字。
- Why then did it bomb and occupy georgian cities such as gori ?
- 那它为什么轰炸并占领格鲁吉亚的城市,譬如哥里(gori)?
- Pirelli 's worldwide sales dropped by only 2.9 % compared with the industry-wide average of 10 % , mr gori says .
- gori先生说,当整个行业全球范围内的销量平均下滑10%时,倍耐力只跌了2.9%。
- Half of its business is already in the emerging world - " more than any other of the top five tyremakers " , says francesco gori , head of pirelli 's tyre division .
- 其半数的业务已经来自新兴市场,倍耐力的轮胎部主任francescogori说,“这个比例在轮胎五巨头中是最高的”。
- Pirelli will not yet touch india : the market for premium tyres is tiny , and the wheel sizes of commercial trucks and of the tata nano ( a super-cheap car ) are too small , says mr gori .
- 倍耐力尚未涉足印度市场:gori主任说,印度的高端轮胎市场太小,而且商用卡车和塔塔nano(一款非常廉价的低档车)的轮胎尺寸也不够大。