

godhood 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Mormons are no longer polygamous , but they do believe that people can attain " godhood " and that the dead can be baptised .
- 摩门教徒已不再一夫多妻,但是他们依然坚信人可以获得“神性”并且相信死者的灵魂可以被净化。
- As idolize those whocan dowhat they cannot do , your society clearlydemonstratesthis same method of creating godhood .
- 那些什么都不能做的他们,你们的这个社会清楚地示现了创造神性的同样方法.
- The lesson is , of course , to realize your godhood , your connectedness with prime creator and with all that exists .
- 当然课程是认识你们的神性,认识与最初的创造者并且与你们所有存在的你们的连通性。
- You must come out of submission , your must take your godhood upon yourself , and stop waiting for god to do it all .
- 你必须从顺从中走出来,你必须承担起自己的神性,不能等待上帝去完成一切。