Because a glider doesn 't have an engine , you can 't fly into the wind without losing a lot of altitude .
A skydiver pulled off an amazing stunt when he climbed out from the cockpit of a glider and crawled along the wing - then somersaulted under the wing and stepped onto the wing of a second glider travelling below .
He then moved back onto the main fuselage of the second glider while the first rider turned upside down and flew overhead so that the skydiver could reach up and form a human link between the two planes .
This was demonstrated by a recent project run by the university of south florida , in which a glider successfully mapped the locations of red grouper and toadfish populations on the west florida shelf from the noises the fish made .
Even more radical is darpa 's pizza-shaped glider named the falcon hypersonic technology vehicle 2 , and the army 's pointy-shaped advanced hypersonic weapon - designed to travel at mach 20 and mach 8 , respectively .
In 2011 a glider made by another firm , teledyne webb of east falmouth , also in massachusetts , tracked seaborne radiation leaked from the tsunami-damaged reactors in fukushima , japan .
Socha likens a snake to a rope , " and that 's a pretty bad starting place to be if you want to design a glider , " he said . " Evolution discovers some pretty unusual ways of doing things . "