ginger up是什么意思,ginger up的意思是
ginger up基本解释
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- Take measures to ginger up the tourist trade .
- 采取措施使旅游事业活跃起来。
- Drafted by mr berlusconi 's lawyer the bill is ostensibly intended to ginger up italy 's notoriously sluggish legal system .
- 这项由贝鲁斯科尼的律师起草的法律条款表面上是为了提振意大利那臭名昭著的松散法律体系。
- If one goal of the rethink is to ginger up officials another is to make the system more transparent and civil servants themselves less shadowy figures .
- 如果说改革的目标之一是鼓舞官员的干劲,另一目标就是让体制更透明,让公务员得到更多关注。
- Some joke would ginger up the party .
- 笑话可以使聚会活跃起来。
- Some dancing would ginger up the party .
- 跳跳舞就可以使聚会活跃起来。
- Ginger up a talk with a few jokes .
- 穿插一些笑话使谈话活泼些。
- It is ostensibly meant to ginger up italy 's sluggish courts .
- 它明显地打算激发行动迟缓的意大利法庭的活力。
- The prime minister appointed some new ministers to ginger up her administration .
- 首相任命一些新大臣以增强她现届政府的活力。
- He said he would ginger the boys up a bit .
- 他说他要给孩子们打打气。
- They have done things this way for years we 'll have to change them around to ginger them up .
- 他们这样做事有好几年了,我们必须改变他们,让他们更有活力。