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geosciences 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释

A january 2010 study in the journal nature geosciences found that tensions along the fault are building and could trigger multiple small-to-moderate quakes .
Referring to the fires , the drought , and the storms , jonathan overpeck , a professor of geosciences and atmospheric sciences at the university of arizona , told the associated press , " this is certainly what I and many other climate scientists have been warning about . "
Quantitative geoaciences and geological information is major of earth exploration and information technology in china university of geosciences , having practice and front characters in earth sciences .
Based on the principle and theoretical mechanism of remote sensing technology and aeromagnetic technique , in combination with the physical properties and adsorption characteristic spectral bands of iron oxides which widely occur in nature , this paper advances a new opinion concerning the integrated application of remote sensing technology and aeromagnetic technique in the field of geosciences .
Resource depleting earth : new challenge and opportunity of geosciences .
Greenland shed its largest chunk of ice in nearly half a century last week , and faces an even grimmer future , according to richard alley , a geosciences professor at pennsylvania state university
Dr mernild , from the climate , ocean , and sea ice modeling ( cosim ) group at los alamos , was describing his team 's work here at the european geosciences union ( egu ) meeting in vienna , austria .
From the literature and physics to geosciences : ramble on time .