

genealogical 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- This genealogical inquisition takes some time , but no one seems the least bothered .
- 这种调查家谱的对话持续了相当长时间,但大家好像根本不介意。
- A genealogical analysis of familial hypertriglyceridemia .
- 家族性高甘油三酯血症家族谱分析。
- This is a good time to learn an important genealogical principle .
- 这是一个学习的好时机族谱重要原则.
- Discourse of knowledge and constitution of subject : genealogical analysis of educational reform .
- 知识论述与主体构成:教育改革的系谱学分析。
- But storing detailed genealogical , medical and genetic material in a database is proving controversial .
- 但是在信息库中存储详细的血缘、医疗和基因资料的做法引来了争议。
- Gene genealogical analyses : evolutionary and ecological inferences in fungi .
- 多基因谱系分析在真菌进化及生态学研究中的应用。
- Central nervous system tumors associated with neurofibromatosis ( report of 2 genealogical trees )
- 神经纤维瘤病中枢神经系统肿瘤(附2例家系报告)
- Today I am aware of my lineage . I have no need to consult my horoscope or my genealogical chart .
- 今天我感觉到了自己的血统,我没有必要去求助占星术或查阅家谱表。
- Of course we did not create an entire genealogical tree for the doc , but we discussed his personality , his lifestyle , his hobbies , etc.
- 当然,我们不可能去创造一个完整的树状体系档案,但是我们讨论了他的个性,他的生活习惯(风格),他的一些业余爱好等等。
- His expectation of a continuing interest in the minutiae of his genealogical research is high .
- 他认为读者们会持续关注其家族史细节的研究。