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v.(用仪器)测量( gauge的现在分词 );估计;计量;划分

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Assigning the odds of further deleveraging is not the same as gauging its likely economic impact .
Top of the list is gauging what effect the recent turmoil will have on the world economy .
Scientists will today give banks a new tool for gauging the money-making prowess of financial traders the lengths of their fingers .
In a study published this month in the journal cognition , researcher evan risko and his coauthors asked experimental subjects to complete a questionnaire gauging their levels of curiosity , defined as a desire for new knowledge and new experiences .
In the past this has also meant that gauging the size of the market was difficult and the apparent 80 % penetration rate given for mobile-phone use is probably too high .
In gauging the regime 's stability , analysts look at the economy , the armed services and the political power brokers likely to survive mr kim 's eventual demise .
In october 2010 the imf called for belt-tightening and turned to gauging its probable impact .
It is dangerous to assume too much from pre-season encounters , particularly when a club 's newly appointed manager is still gauging the strengths and weaknesses of his recently inherited squad .
No one can pretend to know whether spain is illiquid or insolvent without gauging the size of the black hole that is the country 's banking sector .
Indices gauging the risk of bank defaults leapt amid concern that banks with the greatest exposure to government debt in the euro zone are struggling to obtain funding .