Doctors still refer to gamekeeper 's thumb more than skier 's thumb , even though schussers presumably outnumber bunny snuffers these days .
For about half a mile the gamekeeper was led a swift and difficult chase .
Oh , I 'm stephan , the gamekeeper for mr. fersen .
One day he was fishing with another boy when a gamekeeper suddenly darted forth from a thicket .
They can 't yet match poison found in a body to chemicals stored in a jar in a gamekeeper 's shed but , says mike taylor , one of the analysts , " we 're working on it . "
The lodge was often the cottage of the gamekeeper , caretaker , gatekeeper , or gardener , or it could be a larger building for occupation by a higher-ranking person .
Gamekeeper and keeper of the keys at hogwarts , in the fall of1993he also became the care of magical creatures teacher .
Founded two years ago , thunderhead was set up by glen manchester , a former gamekeeper with no it training or banking experience .