

Frenchman 变化形式
复数: Frenchmen
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- The average frenchman spends 24 years in retirement , against an oecd average of 18 years .
- 法国人平均要在退休阶段度过24年,超过oecd成员的平均水平18岁。
- A. well , I have fully bilingual grandchildren because my daughter married a frenchman .
- 我的孙子完全会讲两种语言,因为我的女儿嫁给了一个法国人。
- A supermarket sold a melon for $ 100 to a frenchman at christmas .
- 在圣诞节之际,一家超市以100美元的价格将一个甜瓜卖给了一位法国人。
- The two sculptures were part of a fountain at the palace that was the work of a frenchman .
- 这两尊铜像是圆明园一座喷泉的一部分,它是由一位法国人建造的。
- As in the case of de tocqueville , it sometimes takes a frenchman to explain america to itself .
- 正像托克维尔论美国的民主那样,有时候是由一个法国人在向美国人解释美国本身。
- For the past two seasons , the frenchman has seen his route blocked by barcelona in the knockout stages .
- 在过去的两个赛季里,这位法国人看着自己的球队在淘汰赛中被巴塞罗那打败。
- And the lse is run by a frenchman and nearly half-owned by italian and middle eastern investors .
- 另外,伦敦证交所的掌门人是法国人,而且近一半股权在意大利和中东投资者手中。
- The frenchman has been linked to a move to manchester united , who need a replacement for the retired paul scholes .
- 法国人现在和曼城联系到了一起,后者需要他来替代退役的保罗斯科尔思的位置。
- Guillaume fortin , another frenchman who arrived last year , joined him as sales manager .
- 另一个法国人guillaumefortin去年来到他的公司担任了销售经理的职位。
- Pierre de coubertin , the idealistic frenchman who founded the modern olympics in 1896 , did not approve of betting .
- 理想主义法国人pierredecoubertin于1896年开创现代奥运会先河,他并不赞成奥运赌博行为。