

n.地基;地基( foundation的名词复数 );基础;基金(会);建立
foundations 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- At least the big internet businesses are built on cash-generative foundations .
- 至少大型互联网企业都建立在创造现金的基础上。
- The modern image of japan is built on shaky foundations .
- 当代日本建立在一个摇晃不稳的根基之上。
- Rustin was worried that king himself might falter without deeper foundations .
- 拉斯廷担心金本人可能没有深厚根基而动摇。
- Many of the pioneers who laid its foundations are now old men .
- 为其打下根基的先锋中,许多都已经成了今日的老人。
- The temple 's foundations have been laid , but nothing more has been done .
- 圣殿的根基已经打好,但是其他的什么也没有做。
- Nearby foundations are being dug for southampton university .
- 而旁边,南安普顿大学的校区正在挖地基。
- You remember we 've subcontracted the german firm to do the foundations ?
- 你记得我们已把地基工程包给一家德国公司去做吧?
- Concrete foundations are proof that homes once stood in minamisanriku .
- 在南三陆町,残存的混凝土地基表明这里曾经树立着一座座家园。
- Should agents be getting clammy as they think about the foundations , or should it be publishers ?
- 不快的该是为地基发愁的文学代理人们,还该是出版社呢?
- The faint traces of concrete foundations in the earth are a poignant reminder of the town that has been lost .
- 只有地面上那些残破的建筑地基辛酸地提醒着人们这里曾有过一个村镇。