

n.飞机或太空飞船的越过定点,飞越( flyby的名词复数 )

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Previous flybys detected water vapor , sodium and organic molecules , but scientists need to know more aboutthe plume 's composition and density to characterize the source , possibly a liquid ocean under the moon 's icy surface .
Over the past months , nasa 's cassini spacecraft has made several close flybys of saturn 's moons , caught the sun 's reflection glinting off a lake on titan , and has brought us even more tantalizing images of ongoing cryovolcanism on enceladus .
But not all of the salt found in the flybys was created equal .
Messenger 's earlier flybys didn 't get a good look , but the spacecraft 's neutron detectors will seek signs of hydrogen - the h in h2o - which would suggest it might be ice .
During venus flybys in 1998 and 1999 , the cassini spacecraft failed to detect the high-frequency radio noise that lightning would be expected to generate - like am radio static during terrestrial thunderstorms .
News about near-earth object discoveries and earth flybys will be available and made accessible on the site via a downloadable widget and rss feed .