If you were of this mindset , you 'd have been in heaven in victorian times , when there were aspic spoons and tomato spoons , sauce spoons and olive spoons , fluted gravy ladles , bon-bon spades , tea scoops , citrus spoons , and stilton scoops , among others .
Fluted edge crush of corrugating medium ( flexible beam method )
Create fluted mushrooms , radish rosettes and other garnishes .
Shapes and dimensions of flutes of fluted rollers for roving frames .
Colt continued to refine his initial design , obtaining patents on such components as a cylinder-locking mechanism , fluted cylinders , longer grips and beveled-cylinder mouths to eliminate igniting adjacent chambers .
In his right hand , kuttamuwa grasps an assyrian-style metal fluted drinking vessel , probably made either of silver or gold , and most likely filled with wine .