After an international panel concluded that the north had torpedoed the vessel , the south held a flurry of military exercises around the peninsula .
A flurry of recent accounts describe the brief , disastrous war with russia in 2008 .
A flurry of small studies suggest that sex is as good for your health as vitamin d and broccoli .
A new industry report from mobile analytics firm flurry reveals some unique insights into the smartphone industry as of right now .
Hence a flurry of new thinking about higher education .
After a brief flurry of interest , most astronomers decided the evidence of nemesis was pretty flimsy , and the idea went away .
I 'm always in a flurry as deadlines get nearer .
A flurry of activity over the past few weeks by russia , canada and other nations has highlighted two striking trends in the development of the arctic .
Petrochina 's dismal post-ipo performance has prompted a flurry of online anger in chatrooms and blogs that investors read .
And as a flurry of decisions last week demonstrated , that success could continue to reshape domestic policy for decades to come .