
firewalls 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- We have further strengthened our firewalls that separate analysts from commercial activities .
- 我们进一步强化了分离投资者与商业活动之间的防火墙。
- Luckily , most modern firewalls automatically update them selves once a week .
- 幸运的是,大多数现代防火墙每星期都会自动升级。
- That changes our tools to be computer network related like servers and firewalls .
- 操作会变为计算机网络相关的工具,比如服务器和防火墙等。
- Corporate firewalls have kept smart employees in and smart markets out .
- 公司防火墙机制将灵巧的雇员锁在内部,同时将灵巧的市场拒之门外。
- Myanmar has lowered its firewalls , opening access to social-media sites such as facebook and twitter .
- 缅甸已经下调防火墙等级,开放访问像facebook和twitter这类的社交媒体网站。
- Strong firewalls should give the time , but only shifts in competitiveness will give the opportunity .
- 强大的防火墙应会给予它们时间,但只有竞争力的改变才会带来机会。
- This means beefing-up firewalls and speeding-up preparations for banking union and the issuance of common bonds .
- 这就意味着欧盟要加强防火墙、加快筹备银行联盟的步伐以及发行欧元区共同债券。
- Markets that erect firewalls around their banking systems may also be sacrificing resilience in the event of a future crisis .
- 这些也可能会让已经在其银行系统周围建立了防火墙的市场减少了在危机发生时的反弹能力。
- Had today 's rescue mechanism and firewalls been created from the outset , the crisis might not have spread so far .
- 要是欧元创立之初就已经构建了今天的救助机制和防火墙措施,这场危机或许不会波及至如此大的范围。
- It is my understanding that only with proper firewalls between them can banks and capital markets function as two engines of growth .
- 在我看来,只有在两者之间保持适当的防火墙,银行与资本市场才能各自发挥出增长引擎的作用。