While the strategy of squeezing iran financially is logical , it comes with serious economic risks that are not often recognised .
And you have to find a way to support yourself financially while you follow your passion .
These conditions are well known , but officials are hesitant to implement changes because it could cost them financially .
More women are financially independent , so more of them can pursue a single life that may appeal more than the drudgery of a traditional marriage .
Their publishers were the most financially successful of all , but have been largely forgotten by the historians of the popular press .
Future generations of americans may find health insurance more affordable , but they will also find hard work less financially rewarding .
This is an approach favored by many economists as the financially sensible way to go .
No responsible adoption agency would release a precious child to someone who was not financially prepared to give him or her the best possible care .
This is the number where people feel financially secure and once they 've reached it ; there are diminishing returns on salaries exceeding that amount .
Western countries might be prepared to bail out their eastern neighbours , financially or politically , when they are seen as valiant , fast-reforming success stories .