
n.外野手,接球者( fielder的名词复数 )
fielders 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- America is to nations what roberto clemente was to right fielders .
- 美国是什么国家罗伯托克莱门特是正确的外野手。
- Wang walked one and struck out three , keeping his fielders busy with the usual array of ground balls and a few more fly balls than normal .
- 小民投出3次三振以及1次保送,跟往常一样制造出一堆滚地球让他的内野手保持忙碌以及比正常水准稍多的飞球.
- A study of establishing multi criteria decision making models for fielders of chinese professional baseball league .
- 中华职棒大联盟野手多准则决策模式建构之研究。
- When wearing sunglasses with a suit or sport coat , wire-rimmed aviators are your most refined and understated option . Leave those athletic wraparound shades for beach-volleyball players and center fielders .
- 框架太阳镜绝对是西服或运动外套的好搭档。连沙滩排球手和中场手都可以享受运动包裹下的荫凉。
- The fielders behind wang remain impressed with his stuff .
- 野手们对王今日的表现仍感到印象深刻。
- Placing the fielders was my job .
- 配售的球员是我的工作.
- At the beginning , our gate fell due to the mistake of back fielders .
- 刚开场,由于我们后卫的失误,我们先丢了一球。
- The three men far out in the field are all fielders .
- 场地远处的那三个人都是外野手。