

v.坐立不安,烦躁( fidget的现在分词 )

fidgeting 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释

Fidgeting includes crossing or uncrossing the legs , stretching , standing up often or maintaining a good posture .
Hyperactivity and inattention were deduced from the levels of restlessness and fidgeting / squirming a child displayed , and the extent to which the child was easily distracted or their attention wandered .
Sumatra is huge so we can look forward to 12-hour days on board with no fidgeting .
If you 're constantly fidgeting because you can 't get comfortable in your seat , you 're going to be distracted and less attentive .
If you were sat next to this airline passenger , you might understand why he was fidgeting around so much .
Anxiety may be displaced into actions such as fidgeting , moving around the place or paying attention to unusual places .
Body language that implies a lack of confidence --- read : socially submissive --- includes lack of eye contact , fidgeting of the hands and feet , and the avoidance of large gestures when shifting posture .
Whether this fidgeting is random or serves a function has never been clear , but a new study suggests that our eyes shift their gaze to fixate on the imagined people , places and actions in our sleep dreamscape .
In fact , expensive cars choke the streets of rmnicu vlcea 's bustling city center-top-of-the-line bmws , audis , and mercedes driven by twenty - and thirtysomething men sporting gold chains and fidgeting at red lights .
Symptoms include trouble staying focused and paying attention , difficulty understanding or following instructions , and hyperactivity , or fidgeting frequently and talking excessively .