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所属分类: TOEFL

fanaticism 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释

Everyone knows that solving the israeli-palestinian conundrum would massively help the west and its fearful local friends in their efforts to help the forces of moderation and modernity overcome those of fanaticism and backwardness .
Driven by fanaticism , hidden from view , and armed with internet connections and deadly weapons that can fit into a suitcase or vial , small bands of trans-national terrorists can wreak massive damage as never before .
In these cases , unfortunately , tribal and sectarian conflicts may lead to chaos and civil war , ultimately dragging the middle east backward into conflict and fanaticism , not forward .
Anglicanism 's cozy ubiquity as a reassuring , if vestigial , presence in every english suburb and village is regarded as a defence against the sort of fanaticism that leads to social or ethnic conflict .
Movies that ' propagate obscenity , gambling , drug abuse , violence , and terror ' would be prohibited along with those that promote religious fanaticism , disturb social order , and spread evil cults and superstitions , the draft said .
Here 's the point : those within the g. o. p.who had misgivings about the embrace of tax-cut fanaticism might have made a stronger stand if there had been any indication that such fanaticism came with a price if outsiders had been willing to condemn those who took irresponsible positions .
Doubt and fanaticism are two sides of the same development .
It is about the choice between denial or denunciation in the face of evil , and the fine line between activism and fanaticism .
A combination of idol worship and fanaticism - something called " linsanity " is sweeping the country-and not just with his fellow taiwanese - americans .
In a journey through seven countries , the film takes the audience into the violent whirlwind of fanaticism , greed , and warfare that threatened to wipe out the artistic heritage of europe .