John maynard keynes , in his role as an economic adviser to the treasury , was asked to prepare a statement " exposing the fallacious character of the german proposals " .
The idea , however , that government can manipulate the economy for some without consequences for others is fallacious .
Don 't fall prey to these fallacious messages .
A fallacious or illogical argument or conclusion .
Second , it is sometimes hard to evaluate whether an argument is fallacious . An argument might be very weak , somewhat weak , somewhat strong , or very strong . An argument that has several stages or parts might have some strong sections and some weak ones .
This viewpoint , however , is a misleading and fallacious one .
Over the past two years , many of wall street 's big ideas have been exposed as woefully ill-conceived at best , utterly fallacious at worst .
Arguments against requiring banks to have much-reduced leverage are either fallacious irrelevant or weak , as are dire predictions for national competitiveness , lending and growth .