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extralegal 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释

Further evidence of the free market as a friend is suggested by all the legislation and extralegal measures taken to prevent free peaceable voluntary exchange between blacks and whites .
The government has tried to calm the resulting public outcry through pledges to address malpractice by personnel in detention houses , but there has been no open debate of the larger problem of police brutality and extralegal punishments .
There were only extralegal recourses for their grievances .
But the thieves aren 't extralegal .
There is no excuse for the extralegal methods that went under the name of watergate .
Bouazizi for example paid 3 dinars a day for the regular use of a location on the street -- what the ild calls an " extralegal property right . "
To eke out a living poor entrepreneurs like bouazizi -- not just in tunisia but across the world -- have little alternative but to join the local extralegal economy with its own rules for making transactions and protecting assets .
His latter legal defense efforts angered local communist party officials and led to his jailing , and , advocates say , the continuing extralegal punishment that includes isolation and violence at the hands of thugs hired by the local government .
After all , why would laws and extralegal measures be necessary to restrict whites from hiring blacks or blacks from selling to whites , or whites serving blacks in restaurants , if whites did not want to make these transactions in the first place ?
Whenever one sees laws written or extralegal measures taken to prevent an activity he should immediately suspect that not everyone would voluntarily behave according to those legal requirements .