

extinguishment 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Topics include impairment , asset retirement obligations , disposal of long-lived assets , and extinguishment of debt .
- 讨论议题包括:价值减损、资产偿还债务、长期性资产的处置及清付债项。
- The study concerning legitimacy of the deemed extinguishment of land ownership out of natural flowing away set forth in the land act eng.
- 土地法对自然流失土地拟制为所有权消灭妥当性之研究。
- Study on extinguishment of security right on ships .
- 船舶担保物权的消灭问题研究。
- And manufactures , to improve our rivers and harbors , to provide for the speedy extinguishment of the public debt .
- 和制造业的重大利益,改变我们的河流和港湾,尽快清偿公共债务。
- The sudden extinguishment of all stage lights in a theater to indicate the passage of time or to mark the end of an act or a scene .
- 舞台上的突然熄灯为表示时日的变化或指明一幕或一场的终结而将所有舞台灯光突然熄灭。
- Extinguishment of oil fires by agitation .
- 用搅拌法消灭石油的火灾。