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美音 [ɪks'pelɪŋ]    


v.驱逐( expel的现在分词 );赶走;把…除名;排出

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Belching or burping is your body 's way of expelling excess air from your stomach .
It may seem far-fetched , but by drinking and expelling the right amount it could be possible , according to simple rocket science .
Russia said yesterday that it would halt co-operation with the uk on counter-terrorism as well as expelling four british diplomats .
Nerve endings in the membranes send signals to the brain about the foreign invaders , and the brain sends signals to muscles in the face , throat and chest to go ahead clean house by expelling air from the nose and mouth .
By expelling american special forces from an embattled province , afghanistan 's government has thrown the nato coalition into confusion . It has also turned attention to these elite but shadowy troops .
Second and vitally , expelling greece would draw a line under the costs of bailing it out and prevent it from becoming a permanent drain on german taxpayers .
He said that britain now recognised the ntc as the " sole governmental authority " of libya , and was expelling from london those remaining diplomats who were still loyal to the old regime .
Turkey says it is expelling the israeli ambassador and cutting military ties with israel over the country 's refusal to apologise for last year 's deadly raid on a gaza-bound flotilla .
But this will not be sufficient to persuade pakistan 's generals to support those same western allies in afghanistan , by expelling the taliban from their north-western border areas .
And let 's stop expelling talented , responsible young people who could be staffing our research labs or starting a new business , who could be further enriching this nation .