Opened just four months , it 's already the place to congregate for the city 's expatriate elite ; most of guangzhou 's consul-generals are members and many multinational companies have corporate memberships .
Multinational companies and diplomatic missions based in beijing consider the capital 's shocking levels of air pollution one of the main obstacles in attracting high-quality expatriate personnel , especially those with young families .
More and more expatriate brazilians are seeking opportunities in big cities such as new york and boston .
Most expatriate partners delight in exploring local shops and bringing their finds back home .
Run predominantly by expatriate syrians , it has disseminated tips for holding a successful demonstration .
Lawyers and tax advisers from london to hong kong have had a surge in inquiries from expatriate americans worried about whether they have correctly declared offshore assets ahead of the september 23 deadline .
International consulting firm mercer conducts an annual global tally of which countries cost the most for expatriate workers , providing a pretty good cost yardstick .
Pray for expatriate believers to be bold in their witness and share the gospel as they are led by the holy spirit .
Our purpose cornerstone university seeks to provide theologically conservative graduate education in asia to bible school professors , pastors , expatriate and local church leaders .