The photographers and installation artists take the silhouettes of people and animals and present them as figurative mirrors placed across beautiful , expansive landscapes .
The nation with the thickest and most expansive networks will define the age . There 's no reason to be pessimistic about that .
Expansive education has formed the core of my values that guides and enriches my career and personal life , daily .
They are also investing in the manufacturing of products like electronics and chemicals to gain a foothold inside europe 's expansive single market .
When we 're constantly distracted and interrupted , as we tend to be online , our brains are unable to forge the strong and expansive neural connections that give depth and distinctiveness to our thinking .
Even onetime foe vietnam has engaged in joint naval exercises with the u.s. - a clear signal of hanoi 's concerns about its expansive northern neighbor .
That morning he was in an open expansive mood offering a precise analysis of current events and expressing some nostalgia at leaving the senate .
The expansive seagull ( upper left ) is itself composed of two major cataloged emission nebulae .
The generators can be as thin as a few centimeters or can cover large expansive surfaces , and can be easily adapted for a variety of different transit systems including roadways , railways and even airplane runways .