On april 21st the energy and commerce committee of the house of representatives will excoriate the latest bunch of hapless bosses : those who had the temerity to apply accounting standard asc 740 .
The us educational culture is built around boosting children 's self-esteem , but ms chua argues that " the solution to substandard performance is always to excoriate , punish , and shame the child " , as her immigrant parents did her .
Critics will excoriate this " amnesty " as capitulating to criminals , but it is far better than forcing generally law-abiding people to live in a persistent and incurable state of lawlessness .
Separately , much of the african writing culture that remains on the continent , including kwani ? , Is propped up with cash from the western donors that african writers purport to excoriate .
Frank wolf , a republican congressman from virginia , took to the floor of the house of representatives in october to excoriate him as a shady friend of america 's enemies .
He mentions books and articles written at that time , and into the 20th century too , that excoriate mongrels and other weaklings for contaminating the purity of bloodlines .
To criticize severely and devastatingly ; excoriate .