
evidenced 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- He has never really left bluegrass behind , however , as evidenced by this collection .
- 他从来没有真正离开的背后,但是早熟禾,经本收集证据。
- No , I mean as evidenced by you .
- 不,我是说从你身上看出.
- She evidenced her approval by promising her full support .
- 她答应全力支持,以此来表明她的赞成。
- Boredom is often evidenced among college students .
- 大学生们常常显露出厌倦情绪。
- Can you imagine the nerve , talent and ability evidenced here .
- 你应该能够根据这张照片想像得到当时现场的勇气、天份和才能。
- There are several possibilities , including increasing desperation at pressure on the renminbi and inflation as evidenced again by tuesday 's tiny interest rate hike .
- 有几种可能性,其中包括对人民币和通胀的压力越来越感到绝望这一点由周二的微小加息再次得到了印证。
- As evidenced by the tragic reality that most people can 't tell the difference between ads and content any more , this commercial barrage is having a cultural impact .
- 一个惨痛的现实可以为证:大多数互联网用户已经无法分辨出广告和网页内容了!这种密集的商业进攻已经对文化产生了影响。
- Sports and love , as evidenced by zhao hongbo and shen xue 's gold medal in pairs figure skating , are closely related .
- 体育和爱情,正如申雪和赵宏博在双人花样滑冰中夺得金牌所证明的那样,是密切相关的。
- For example , the bank of japan 's ( boj ) policy shift , coincident with the fall in international equity prices earlier in the year , have combined to curb enthusiasm for international equities among retail investors as evidenced in the most recent investment trust data .
- 例如,今年早些时候,日本央行(boj)转变政策,而国际股价纷纷下跌,这两方面的因素共同抑制了散户投资者对国际股市的热情,这一点在最新的投资信托数据中得到了体现。
- Finally , automakers seem to have wholeheartedly adopted the idea , evidenced by gm hiring 10,000 programmers and software experts in october .
- 最终,汽车商们似乎已经由衷地接受了这个理念,通用公司在去年10月招募了10,000名程序员和软件专家,由此可见一斑。