
n.撤空( evacuation的名词复数 );撤离;撤退;疏散
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- New jersey governor chris christie is ordering evacuations of all the atlanta city casinos and state 's barrier island by tomorrow afternoon .
- 直到明天下午新泽西州州长chrischristie将一直指挥亚特兰大城的赌场和障壁岛的人员撤离工作。
- Even though it was a controlled explosion , it still caused evacuations , set roofs on fire and broke some windows in downtown munich .
- 尽管这是一次控制爆破,还是造成人员撤离,屋顶起火并且震碎了慕尼黑市中心的一些窗户。
- A federal court , reversing a 1944 decision , would call the forced evacuations unconstitutional , a gross violation of civil rights .
- 一家联邦法院推翻了1944年的一项判决,称这种强制撤离违反了宪法,是对公民权利的粗暴侵犯。
- Evacuations are taking place , and while everyone is rightfully focused on their physical safety , our emotional health is at risk during times of increased stress too .
- 到处都在撤离,尽管每个人都只关注着他们的身体的安全,但是我们的精神健康在逐渐加剧的压力之下也面临着危险。
- Despite mass evacuations , there are fears the death toll will rise as flooding reaches the southern province of sindh and the risk of water-borne disease outbreaks increases in many areas .
- 尽管人民已经大规模的疏散,人们还是担心当洪水波及信德南部省份时死亡人数会继续上涨,也同时担心水传播疾病会在很多受灾地区爆发。
- John hunter , an oceanographer at the university of tasmania in australia , says the study is solid , and good news for those preparing evacuations .
- 约翰亨特,澳大利亚塔斯马尼亚大学的海洋学家,认为此研究是站得住脚的,对那些准备撤退的人来说是个好消息。
- If there were another disaster tomorrow , the prime minister still could not call on specially trained experts or employ the full legal powers to cope with it , for example by ordering evacuations .
- 如果明天突然再发生一起灾难,首相还是不能召集有特种资历的专家团队,也不能完全行驶法律权力-例如下令疏散-来处理灾害。
- Military experts say that russian ships dispatched to the port of tartus , where russia has a naval base , look as if they are preparing for evacuations , suggesting that people in the kremlin think things will get worse .
- 军事专家指出,俄罗斯军舰已被派遣至塔尔图斯港口的军事基地,看上去,他们似乎正在准备撤离,这暗示着克里姆林宫的领导人认为,情势正在变得更糟。
- A state of emergency was called and precautionary evacuations ordered .
- 有关方面宣布进入紧急状态并下令进行预防性的疏散。
- A lot of people were clueless . They had no idea there were evacuations .
- 许多人一无所知,他们不知道有疏散这件事。