Most electronics are made in the form of integrated circuits , which are tiny chips that contain transistors and other components etched onto silicon wafers .
That moment could be etched into the memory of buy-out executives for years to come .
And the image of that fireball rolling toward us will forever be etched in my mind .
The idea that character is etched into an individual 's face is so much at variance with modern notions of free will that research in the area dwindled long ago .
A key requirement for larger creatures is oxygen , and the dramatic history of oxygen levels is also etched in ediacaran rocks .
The tumult of events can transform the traits and qualities that seemed , even to great experts , etched in stone .
The ancient nazca civilisation of peru , made famous by the giant geoglyphs it left etched in the soil , partly triggered its own downfall by chopping down forests and creating a desert , according to researchers .