Be well up in finance tax law , have excellent professional estimation ability and great finance analyse experience .
Then you will trade off your distaste at having me shoeless with the pleasure you take from my company . If one outweighs the other in your subjective estimation then you 'll choose accordingly .
He is a waspish critic of american policy towards the muslim world under george bush , but manages toprickwestern misconceptions without falling into mr crooke 's error of taking extremist movements entirely at their own estimation .
Motion estimation : also comparable to gps , mobvis could enable continuous position updates to determine the location of objects in motion as well as their speed .
That there was no repeat terrorist attack on the us for the rest of his time in office was , in bush 's estimation , " my most meaningful accomplishment as president " .
Perceived exertion means it 's your estimation of how hard you are working out and surprisingly , it 's very accurate , he said .
The bls helpfully provides " smoothed " data that adjusts for the change in the estimation procedure .
When she applied to the university of delaware , her english was , inher estimation , very poor .
An exchange rate that is close to equilibrium value , in mr. li 's estimation , should make gradual opening of the capital account easier .
She does note , however , that by fitch 's estimation the kind of lending that seems to be at issue in wenzhou is hardly confined to one city .